Our Team
Immersion Women
Kari Bulman
Kari serves as one of the Lead Pastors at Sequim Valley Foursquare in Sequim, Washington. She and her husband, Joe, have held various ministry appointments over the last 20 years. They have been on the adventure of co-pastoring for the past 5 years. Kari has a deep desire to see ministry leaders and their families thrive while fulfilling the call of Christ.
Kari was born and raised in Southern California and moved to Washington state in 2010. She has been married for 22 years and has four children. She loves coffee, reading and spending time with friends.
Kari graduated 2018 WIML (AZ)
Fawn Cobler
Fawn Cobler co-pastors alongside her husband, Jon, at Church of Living Water in Olympia, Washington. They met in high school and have been married for 24 years. God has given them a passion for the local church, and serve with the philosophy: Say yes to whatever God puts in front of us! This has included leading in multiple roles at the local church level, speaking at conferences and retreats, and building up fellow ministers of the Gospel. In addition, Fawn loves to utilize her creativity to write spoken words, dramatic presentations, and stories: all with the purpose of drawing people to the love of Jesus.
Fawn is the proud momma of Sam, Andrew, Levi, and Cosette, and now also holds the joy-filled role of “mother-in-law” to Alayna.
Fawn graduated 2018-2019 WIML (AZ)
Janell Martin
Janell and her husband, Kaj, are the Lead Pastors of Grays Harbor Foursquare. She is a Northwest girl through and through and has been on staff at churches in Tacoma, Seattle, and Aberdeen. With over 20 years of ministry experience ranging from high school and college ministry to teaching abroad in an Indian bible college to church administration and women’s ministry, Janelle has a heart for the local church as well as the nations.
She is a mother to three awesome children: Phoebe, Asha, and Luke. In her spare time she loves shopping, walking with friends and a good cup of coffee.
Janell graduated 2018-2019 WIML (AZ)
Maggie Taylor
Maggie is a fun loving encourager and helping others as they awaken to the Lord in deeper ways is the driving purpose of her life.
She has been married for 49 years, has two children and two young granddaughters. She and her husband Rich have pastored 3 churches and served as Foursquare missionaries to Puerto Rico, Honduras, and Costa Rica. They recently retired and moved from Arizona to Washington to be with their kids.
Hilary Horn
Hilary Horn is a licensed Foursquare pastor and certified coach. She has traveled and worked in over 30 different countries around the world; working with individuals in social injustice. Her desire is to see all people heal and move into more thriving lives who have experienced any level of trauma. She's been a missionary, church planter, and pastor in a variety of roles. But, her passion is to serve ministry leaders and working moms through debrief and coaching opportunities to empower them in their wellness and spiritual journey.
Hilary and her husband, Trevor have two energetic boys: Ephraim & Abram. The Puget Sound area has been home for most of their lives and they currently live in Kenmore, WA. In her free time, you can find her shuffling to sports for her boys and cheering them on like a maniac, serving in their community, gardening, cooking, making space for hospitality, reading, and participating in beach and water activities at her family beach house on Vashon Island.
Hilary graduated in 2020 WIML
Kim Bauer
Kim currently serves as the Associate Pastor at Sequim Valley Foursquare Church and the Executive Director of Impact Camps. She is also a student at Life Pacific University. Kim has a passion for seeing the generations connect.
Kim is married to Toby and has two amazing grown daughters.
Kim graduated 2021 WIML (AZ)
Claire Mcintosh
Claire has spent over 40 years in pastoral ministry, serving first with her husband, Mike, and later with her son, Jon. Following Jesus has led her through two successful church plants and a lifetime of worship ministry. In recent years, her greatest joy has been in supporting young leaders as they respond to God’s invitation and flourish in the gifts He has given them.
Born in Seattle, Claire has lived in California, Washington state, England and Australia. She has three children and five grandchildren. She insists that her kids and grand kids are the kindest, smartest and greatest people on earth.
Claire graduated 2019-2020 WIML (AZ)
Christina Inez
Christina Inez has been in ministry since 1998 and licensed as a Pastor in 2003. In 2014, she was ordained by the Foursquare Church. She has a passion for leading people into the presence of God because she believes there is no greater joy than seeing people healed, restored, and filled fresh with the Holy Spirit as they worship and abide in His presence.
In 2017, Christina became a certified life coach. She believes her life’s mandate from the Lord is “to be a faithful disciple who passionately releases the greatness of God in others.” One of her focused passions is coaching and mentoring women, as well as married couples with her husband. Coming from a very broken home, and being healed from dealing with shame, rejection and fear, she loves watching the Lord use her testimony to bring freedom and hope to other women and watch them walk out the call Christ has for them! Christina believes her greatest ministry is being a wife and mother. She has been married to her incredibly amazing husband for almost 24 years. They have three beautiful children 23, 20 and 13.
Matina Hawkins
Matina is passionate about walking alongside others into wholeness- identifying lies and unhealthy narratives, experiencing the Lord's healing in those places in order to live out their calling in freedom and joy! Having seen breakthrough in her own life, she knows what it feels like to live in bondage to those insecurities and wounds and what it's like on the other side of healing. In addition to being a licensed therapist for the last 10 years, she is a Foursquare pastor at Hope Community in Tacoma, WA - serving on the preaching team and overseeing prayer. Matina's full time job is outside the church as a boarding school dorm parent. She loves the unique opportunity to love the nations with over 10 different countries represented within the 130+ students who live with her on campus.
Matina graduated WIML 2019-2020 (AZ)
Lanita Shepherd
Lanita has served in ministry leadership for several decades. She currently serves at Sequim Valley Foursquare Church as the Women's Ministry Director and is in the process of becoming a licensed Foursquare pastor.
Lanita is married to Travis and has four lovely, grown daughters.
Lanita graduated 2023 WIML (WA)
Ashley Possin
Ashley has served in various ministry roles over the years. She recently graduated with her Masters Degree in Divinity. She currently serves at Sequim Valley Foursquare church and owns a thriving lavender farm and store.
Ashely is married to Aaron and they have a grown son and daughter.
Ashley graduated 2024 WIML (WA)
Sarah Pettengill
Sarah is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and runs a private practice with her husband, Luke. She also has a heart to serve clergy and those in leadership.
Sarah is a wife and a mother of four beautiful children.
Sarah graduated 2023 WIML (WA)
Jim Williams
Jim is enthusiastically devoted to baseball (working for the Seattle Mariners when they are in town), his wife Susan (celebrating 52 years together), his five adult children and his fourteen grandkids……and this wild and wonderful God who continues to pursue him even when he tries, at times, to run and hide.
At the age of 35 he became a licensed Foursquare pastor. At the age of 57 he was tricked, by this wild and wonderful God, to go to graduate school and get a master’s degree in counseling. He thought he was going to “help others” but it was he who needed to stop hiding and get whole and healthy.
He views the counseling process as a unique opportunity to explore the client’s relational dynamics, which may be causing them emotional pain or anxiety. He hopes to offer a safe environment to explore life’s challenges. Jim believes that there is hope even in times of pain and loss and that these times can provide distinct and important occasions for growth.
Jim retired as licensed mental health counselor in 2022 but is willing to meet with individuals as a mentor.
Kelli Friedlander
Kelli Friedlander is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and has over 20 years of experience providing counseling for children, adolescents, adults, families, and children with special needs. She is passionate about guiding and supporting individuals and families through life transitions, challenges, and their own personal/relational transformation.
Kelli strongly believes in utilizing a Strength based approach where the “whole person” is honored; as each individual and family are rich in uniqueness, strengths, capability, competence, and infinite gifts. Kelli enjoys building a trusting, transparent, and collaborative relationship with individuals and families to help them address their concerns and to reach theirgoals.
Immersion Men
Joe Bulman
Joe Bulman was called into ministry at the young age of 8 years old. No, seriously, he had a custom-built pulpit at the age of eight. He started pastoring his youth group at the age of 15. When he was 17 years old, he met Kari Mueller, who he asked to marry him six months later. She then became Kari Bulman and has served beside him ever since. They have four kids, all three years apart. Kari and Joe Co-Pastor, and they love doing ministry and life together. They genuinely believe in knowing God, loving people, and being family.
If there is a line of people at Joe’s funeral giving testimonies that he challenged them to believe that God has a calling and purpose for them, and he did everything he could to help them pursue it, he will be a champion.
Joe believes that everyone is to take Jeremiah 1:5 and fill in their own blank. “For I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb, and I set you apart to be a _______________ to the nations.”
Jeremiah 1:5 (NJBV, New Joe Bulman Version)
Joe would hope to take this same message to every leader he can. God picked you. He called you; how can he help?
Scott Ingegneri
Scott Ingegneri is founder and President of Awaken Ministries International, a movement called to awaken generations to Kingdom culture. Awaken is dedicated to the holistic development of ministerial leaders, creatives, and marketplace leaders.
Scott is a gifted Bible teacher, communicator, church planter, and worship leader. He has served on the President's council for Oral Roberts University, Life Pacific University and is currently on the advisory board for Run for Zion, Lipscomb University Worship Department and C4 Nashville. Scott consults and partners in various ways with churches around the globe. Scott is also a songwriter and executive music producer. He is deeply devoted to writing and releasing biblically sound songs that will bless and edify the local church.
Scott leads with a prophetic and catalytic edge and is passionate about building disciples and developing leaders. He served as Executive Pastor at Grace North Church, a multi-site church in Phoenix, Arizona, from 2003-2011 before his installation as Lead Pastor in 2011. He and his wife Lydia served as Lead Pastors from 2011-2017 where they expanded the church into a multi-site network of churches. In 2017 the Ingegneri's resigned from Grace North Church to launch Awaken Ministries and pursue full-time itinerant and global ministry.
Scott and Lydia have been incredibly blessed with four amazing children and consider ministering as a family their greatest treasure in life. The Ingegneri family resides in Nashville, TN area.
Jeff Espeseth
Growing up as the son of a pastor and a school teacher, the last thing I wanted out of life was to become either of those things. But I knew that I had a call on my life. I could not picture how my passions and interests would align with what I envisioned to be a life of pastoral ministry. I decided to surrender my skepticism and “generously” give God a year at Bible college to make Himself clear. As I discovered more of who God created me to be, I also discovered a genuine passion for seeing people discover the beauty of God and not simply the illusion of religion. And 30+ years later, I’m still growing and discovering more about myself, God and the beauty of this messy life.
Life is meant to be fulfilling and meaningful, but for many people it seems like it is simply a drag from one day to the next. I have been there. I’ve experienced the numbness and sense of longing for a life that truly matters. Not before I was a believer, but after twenty years of ministry as a pastor. It took time and prayer, but once I discovered a fresh and renewing call in my life, I began to see the beauty of Jesus again. My heart and passion for pastors – and all leaders – is to rediscover their values, hopes, dreams and purpose. I also desire for you to find that place where you truly belong. I long for pastors to discover a safe community where they can connect; those who can help carry you through the discouraging and difficult times.
I am excited for you to walk this journey. My hope is that as you strive to become more of who God created you to be you will find your true self. In the midst of that your strengths will be enhanced, your vision expanded, your values cemented and relationships built that will last for the rest of your life.
I am married to Traci who is an incredible leader and visionary. We have two adult children that love Jesus and love other people well. They are creative, passionate, and kind – all any parent could hope for. Our son-in-law has a heart of gold, and he also happens to be able to fix, build or repair anything – which is great because I cannot; and he also gave us the most beautiful gift of our first grandchild, who is exceptionally cute and has completely stolen our hearts.